• 德州之星

  • Acoustic treatment for floating floor construction and installation of dijingyuan equipment

    Column:The engineering case Time:2018-11-19

    Project description: dijingyuan is located at the entrance of jiaobin road, siming district, xiamen city, fujian province. The project is the equipment layer of dijingyuan, which generates vibration during operation and affects people's normal office and life. The project is the inertial platform and floating platform installation. The vibration generated in the generator room, air conditioning room and domestic water pump room of building 1, building 2 and building 3 of xiamen dijingyuan has an impact on the residents on the upper and lower floors. According to the relevant provisions of the "noise emission standard for social living environment", the vibration noise must be controlled and the emission standard must be reached. Our company independent research and development design of the floating platform technology of generator room, air conditioning room, pump room of life, of the units, water pumps, tanks, pipelines, into the outlet and other related equipment and facilities for processing, supplemented by the shock absorber of custom, the vibration of the equipment running noise from the floor, the ground and metope, so as to achieve the effect of the governance environment.

    Treatment measures: each equipment is individually installed inertial platform, inertial platform with spring shock absorber, steel structure concrete bearing platform and other components, the spring shock absorber with a special shock absorber, through the calculation of bearing platform and equipment operating weight calculation selection, bearing platform according to the weight of the equipment operating. The size of the floating platform and other necessary parameters are calculated according to the installation locations and equipment parameters. The floating platform of the project is supported by shock absorbers, which are professionally manufactured and arranged according to the calculated data.

    Control effect: after setting noise reduction measures, the noise emission in the downstairs room shall be subject to the "noise emission standard for social living environment" GB 22337-2008.

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